Miscellaneous Allergin SprayEffective for allergic and inflammatory dermatitis and otitis in dogs and cats, Beclogen CreamTreatment of dermatitis in dogs and cats DermomentTreatment of onditions such as dermatophilosis, hoof lesions, necrobacillosis,,, eczema, ulcers, Ectopor SprayEffective against a wide range of insects and ectoparasites FungicidalTreatment of trichophytosis and microsporia in dogs and cats. Insecticide SprayUsed externally to treat and prevent ectoparasite infestations in dogs and cats. Effective against fleas KPI SPRAYTO Treatment of skin, mammary, and foot infections KPI BASIC SPRAYTO treatment of foot rot and topical infections MASTCURETreatment of dairy cows with serous, catarrhal, fibrinous, purulent, or subclinical mastitis. MASTILACTTreatment of acute, subacute, clinical, subclinical, chronic, forms of infectious mastitis in cattle MASTIPLEXTreatment of various forms of bacterial mastitis during lactation. MASTISTOPTreatment of clinical and subclinical mastitis of bacterial etiology in cattle (cows) during lactation. MASTITUBETreatment of clinical and subclinical mastitis of bacterial etiology in cattle (cows) during lactation. PET SPRAYTreat dangling ears.and eliminates unpleasant odors. GENTAVET DROPAcute and chronic eye diseases TETRACYCLINE ONTMENTTreat eye diseases DEWORMTreatment of mixed infestations with roundworms and tapeworms in adult dogs and cats. KPI TYLODOX PILLTreatment of intestinal and bronchial infections in pigeons KPI ANTI BACTERIAAgainst a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative organisms. LEVAZANTreatment and control of mature and immature gastrointestinal nematodes, PENTATAB 5Treatment of gastroenteritis, salmonellosis, pasteurellosis.. POWERSEX TABLETTerminate estrus in females and unwanted pregnancy. PYRAN TABTreat deworming of dogs and cats with cestodes, trematodes, and nematodes. SPIRADOXTreatment of psittacosis & soft tissue infections. SPIROXY PLUSTreatment for gastrointestinal and respiratory infections VITA CATVitamin tablets for kitten VITA DOGVitamin tablets for puppies