Powder BIRDVITThe medication is intended for decorative birds to restore vitamin and amino acid balance, EctopowerTreatment and prevention of diseases caused by ectoparasites in various animals KPI AMINO SUPPLEMENTS POWDERComplements amino acid deficiencie KPI-FEVER REDUCESummer Dehydration and Heat Stroke Prevention KPI-B COMPLEX POWDERComplements B-Vitamin Deficiencies KPI-C 100% POWDERTreatment of Vitamin C Deficiencies: KPI-C 25% POWDERTreatment of Vitamin C Deficiencies KPI-E&SE VITAMINS Complements Deficiencies,Antioxidant Protection , Immune Support KPI-ElectrolytesCorrects Electrolyte Losses, Stimulates Recovery from Dehydration KPI-Electrolytes PlusStimulates Recovery from Dehydration, Corrects Electrolyte Losses: KPI-K3 VIT Complements vitamin K deficiency Essential for blood clotting KPI-MINERAL RECOVERY POWDER Stimulates recovery from dehydration Aids in normalizing digestive dysfunction KPI SELENO PLUSComplements deficiencies of Vitamin E, selenium, and zinc KPTANSE Strengthen muscles. Reduce the production of lactic acid during racing and intense muscular performance. METOFURTreatment of gastrointestinal diseases NEWFORMTreatment of enteritis and respiratory diseases AND treatment of mycoplasmosis, colibacillosis, pasteurellosis, SAND SWEEPERDesigned to facilitate the removal of sand from the intestines of horses SAND SWEEPER PLUSAid in the removal of sand from the intestines of horses, while protecting the intestinal mucosa during the process. KPI ELECTRO POWDERTreatment of dehydration caused by diarrhea in calves, cattle, goats, poultry, sheep KPI LAXAVET POWDERServes as an alimentary detoxificant and laxative for horses, cattle, camels, sheep, and goats. AMOXICILLIN POWDERTreatment of gastrointestinal, respiratory, and urinary tract KPI MULTI VITAMINDesigned to enhance growth and performance. KPI OXILLIN 25% Treatment of gastrointestinal and respiratory. KPI KYLOZIN 10%Treatment of gastrointestinal and respiratory infections SULFA 3 PLUS WSPTreatment of gastrointestinal and respiratory infections